Who We Are...
Our meetings are in Text Only Format (No Audio/Video).
Meeting Schedule
* Meeting Protocol Explained*
During meetings, we share one at a time without interruptions or crosstalk. Please do not type into the room while someone is sharing.
Please do not raise your hand until after the Chairperson gives the lead share and says GA (Go Ahead), so they don't miss you while typing.
Type ! if you wish to share, this is equivalent to raising your hand at a meeting, and you will be called on in the order of hands raised.
Type ? if you have a question and click on the name beside the blinking dot in the Name List. Please wait quietly for assistance in a Private Message.
Type "GA" (Go Ahead) when you're finished sharing. In this room, we also have a profanity filter to keep the language suitable for all members.
*Private Message Explained*
Private Message(PM) is a way to communicate with another individual only,
Any A.A. Literature referenced on this Website, or quoted exactly by a sharer in our Meeting Room, is a Copyright of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The opinions and experiences shared are of the individual's, and not necessarily in agreement with the Program of A.A.found in the "Big Book" ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS.