AA Online FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Question:  What kind of web site is this?  

We are a Group of recovering alcoholics, a member of the Online Intergroup, that holds A.A. meetings following an Online format. Our hope is that any suffering alcoholic who reaches out for help will find it from the members in our room. We prefer AA Online to be a website of attraction rather than promotion. We adhere to Tradition 5, and all our Traditions, as much as possible, with the only requirement for membership being a desire to stop drinking. We also adhere to Tradition 6, lending our name to no other entities.

A picture containing car, sitting, sign, blue

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A.A. Preamble

  Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes.
Our Primary Purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.-- Copyright The A.A. Grapevine 2021


While being much like a face- to- face meeting, we follow an Online Protocol. Those who attend our meetings for the first few times may not know all the necessary procedures needed to participate in an Online meeting, so we explain...

Protocol Here: 

We do Not hold zoom meetings.
Our meetings are held in Text Only Format (No Audio/Video). Per Tradition 12, Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions.

A.A. Guidelines- Internet- from G.S.O., Box 459, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163
In simplest form, this means that A.A.s do not publicly identify themselves as A.A. members using their full names and/or full-face photos.

Practicing the Twelve Traditions in Cyberspace

Experience has shown us that groups which use the Twelve Traditions have the best chance of maintaining unity and ensuring their ability to be there for the sick and suffering alcoholic who reaches out for help. Groups stick to our single purpose - recovery from alcoholism, protect the anonymity of their members, avoid affiliation with or endorsements of outside enterprises and are self-supporting. Further information is available from the Online Intergroup Web Site .

   During meetings, we share one at a time without interruptions or crosstalk. Please do not type into the room while someone is sharing.

   Please do not raise your hand until the Chairperson calls for them and indicates "GA" (Go Ahead), so they don't miss you while typing.

   Type (!) if you wish to share (this is equivalent to raising your hand at a meeting) and you will be called on in the order of hands raised.

   Type "GA" (Go Ahead) when you're finished sharing.

   Type (?) if you need help. Look for the Blinking Dot in the User List. Click the Name beside the Dot and a volunteer will assist you in Private Message.

We ask members to please share their own experience and not cross talk or judge another's share. Any negative input to another is strongly discouraged.
In this room, we also have a profanity filter to keep the language suitable for all members. We prefer AA Online to be a web site of attraction rather than promotion. We try to allow all attendees an equal chance to share their experience, strength, and hope in the spirit of Alcoholics Anonymous.

The Primary Purpose of the availability of the AA Online chat room Between Meetings is to provide a safe place for continued discussion of recovery that will enhance sobriety. Keep in mind that we are all personally responsible for our own conduct in meeting this purpose. Protocol is not in effect during Open Chat Sessions. Some may be discussing non-recovery issues at times, but Please Stop us if you need to ask something or need some help!

We ought to all be ready and willing to help the Newcomer or any suffering alcoholic. May your Higher Power guide you on your journey of sobriety.

"...and though perhaps he came to scoff, he may remain to pray." (Alcoholics Anonymous, Dr. Silkworth) Copyright A.A.W.S. Inc.

If promted to Register before entering the room, type the User Name you want to use and a Password. Submit the form. Click the Key, type Password, and Login.
You may also enter as a Guest. Choose a User Name, no password or key is needed. Click Login.

All are welcome to attend, including students, however, respecting the Third Tradition
of AA, we ask that you only share in a meeting if you are an Alcoholic or have the Desire to Stop drinking. Otherwise, you are welcome to sit back and observe the language of the heart, one alcoholic to another.

We are sorry, but if you need verification for court, probation, or educational purposes, we cannot provide that here.
We suggest going to a local (Face-Face) meeting to have paperwork signed, or seek another Online meeting that will do that. Thanks!

Find A.A. F2F Meetings in your area: Local Meeting Availability

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   If you are new to AA Online, learn more about us, We Welcome You!

Question:  Are there any concerns about AA Online Behavior?  

Answer: Occasionally, however, we have an AA Online Room Policy by which we ask all to adhere.

Sometimes, there are men and women who "13th-Step" other members of the AA Online group, which means they prey on hurting and vulnerable people seeking recovery. This will not be tolerated. If you receive a Private Message request from someone you don't know well, Use Caution in responding, and notify a Facilitator. We want AA Online to be a safe place for all.

Personal attacks, harassment, name calling, belittling, denigrating, impersonating room members (and/or celebrities, politicians, historic or authority figures, etc.) are not acceptable.

Racial, Political, Ethnic, and Religious slurs are not acceptable and are subject to immediate sanctions. Sexual innuendo and/or graphic descriptions of sex are not appropriate. Posting links to religious, political, racist and pornographic sites are unacceptable and subject to immediate sanctions. Appropriate Non- A.A. links may be sent in Private Message, but are not to be posted in the AA Online room.

Sanctions may include but are not necessarily limited to, A. Warnings. B. Chat Restriction. C. Kicks. D. Suspension (Denial of access to the room for a period of time proportional to the severity of the infraction).

Out of respect for A.A.'s Primary Purpose, discussions of addictions and /or other mental illnesses are not appropriate in this room, nor are discussions of drugs and /or medications.
Thank you for your understanding. Outside Issues - P-11 - A.A. Member-Medications and Other Drugs-Copyright A.A.W.S., Inc.

For Other helpful recovery links visit: Recovery Links


Question:  Can I get a password protected user name?

Answer:   Yes.

Go to Login to Register before entering the room, or you may enter as a Guest, and register from Profile Settings once inside the room.  


Question:   Are there A.A. Online meetings for Beginners?

Answer:   Yes.

Beginners Monday 9:30pm

Beginners Wednesday 1:30pm

A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedBeginners Saturday 3:00pm

Question:  The judge said I have to go to A.A meetings, do these count, and can i get my card signed here?

Answer:   No.

Ask your probation officer/counselor if they count, however, because the room has been configured with complete anonymity in mind, we have no way of verifying who is behind a screen name, so we cannot sign cards. We cannot verify your attendance here Online in our forum. We suggest you go to a face- to- face (F2F) meeting to have your paperwork signed, or find another Online meeting that will do that for you.

Local Meeting Availability

Question: Are AA Online meetings in competition with my regular face to face meetings?  

Answer:   No.

AA Online meetings are designed to be a supplement to face- to- face meetings. We encourage you to attend face- to- face meetings and use AA Online as an extra tool to enhance your sobriety.

Question:  Is there a schedule of meetings available?

Answer:  Yes.

Meeting Schedule

Question:  Is there any difference between chairing a meeting Online than chairing a regular A.A. meeting?

Answer:  Yes.

There are slight differences. We use an AA Online Protocol with which all Chairpersons need to be familiar.
Our Training Team is glad to help those eager to learn.
Training for Service (Chairs, Greeters and Newcomer Assistance) is scheduled by appointment.
Contact a Facilitator for more information, or send an email to learntochair@aaonline.org

Question:  Can I view the Chair Sign Up Page, and possibly sign up to Chair?  

Answer:  Yes.

The Chair Sign Up Page lists all meetings and times, and Open slots available for Trained volunteers to fill.
Chair Sign Up Page

Question:  How long do I have to be sober to volunteer for service at AA Online meetings?

Trained Volunteers are very appreciated here at AA Online, thank you for wanting to serve!

30 Days Sobriety for Greeters

60 Days Sobriety for Chairs

90 Days Sobriety, with knowledge of the AA Online website, and the A.A. Program, as a whole, for assisting Newcomers.


Question:  Does AA Online have Speaker Meetings??

Answer:  Yes.

We have a Speaker Meeting the first Sunday of every month at 3:00pm Eastern. Each Speaker has up to 60 minutes to tell his/her story. The Speaker will be followed by open shares, from the room, pertaining to alcohol if time allows.
(90 days sober to speak)
Come share your journey on the Road of Happy Destiny with us!
Please contact a facilitator to sign up and Thank You!

Question:  Does AA Online have Birthday Meetings?  

  You bet!

We celebrate Annual Birthdays on the last Sunday of the month at 6:30pm Eastern. Get signed up with your First Name, User Name, Date of Sobriety, and Number of Years Sober, and join us for a bit of your special day! All are welcome to attend, as we have a countdown from months to weeks to days sober!   AA Online Birthday Board

  "Nothing matters more to A.A.'s future welfare than the manner in which we use this colossus of modern communication. Used unselfishly and well, it can produce results surpassing our present imagination. Should we handle this great instrument badly, we shall be shattered by the ego manifestations of our own people. Against this peril, A.A. members' anonymity before the general public is our shield and our buckler."  --Bill W. Box 1980-- Copyright The A.A. Grapevine, 1960.

We are glad you came to AA Online, Keep Coming Back! You will find hope here!

  • Home | A.A. Preamble | AA Online User Registration | Meetings and Chat | FAQ | Meeting Schedule | Service Volunteers | Chair Signups | Birthday Signups | A.A.- This & That | Room Use Policy

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  • Any A.A. Literature referenced on this Website, or quoted exactly by a sharer in our Meeting Room, is a Copyright of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The opinions and experiences shared are of the individual's, and not necessarily in agreement with the Program of A.A.found in the "Big Book" ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS.