Chair Signups
AA Online Chair Signups
(Scroll Down and Choose Meeting)

Backup FacilitatorOpen/CloseChairpersonTopic/Meeting Type
8:30 am
BigE/EricOPENdmj/DeniseTo Be Announced
1:30 pm
kenny gOPENEloise/Elliejay & Parks/SusanTBA
Monday 6:30 pmTTSoberAlclc/TinaMarieJulieJElaineTBA
Monday 9:30 pmJAnthonyBL3rd/BettyElaineDNew Beginnings

Tuesday 8:30 amloganloganloganStep Study
Tuesday 1:30 pmOPENOPENTBA
Tuesday 6:30 pmMason/DanielCookie Lady/Sheryldmj/DeniseTBA
Tuesday 9:30 pmJAnthonyTTSoberAlclc/TinaOPENBL3rd/Betty & greggieTBA

Wednesday 8:30 amBigE/EricOPENRickster2TBA
Wednesday 1:30 pmkenny gloganloganloganNew Beginnings
Wednesday 6:30 pmMarie/MasonCookie Lady/SherylAshleighTBA
Wednesday 9:30 pmJAnthonyUnity/LouMason/Daniel/AdamTxEngTchr/SherriAsk-It-Basket (A.A. Q&A)

Thursday 8:30 amSKK/StellaSKK/StellaTBA
Thursday 1:30 pmTTSoberAlclc/Tinasonicdread/AdamOPENTBA
Thursday 6:30 pmTTSoberAlclc/TinaMarieJulieJElaineDAs Bill Sees It
Thursday 9:30 pm Mason/DanielUnity/LouTxEngTchr/Sherrisonicdread/AdamBig Book Personal Stories

Friday 8:30 amBigEOPENRickster2TBA
Friday 1:30 pmBethBethOpen Topic (Relating to Alcohol)
Friday 6:30 pmMason/DanielSKK/StellaOPENTBA
Friday 9:30 pmMarieOPENOPENBig Book Study

Saturday 8:30 amBigE/EricOPENdmj/DeniseTBA
Saturday 3:00 pmTTSoberAlclc/Tinasonicdread/AdamJulieJNew Beginnings
Saturday 6:30 pmTTSoberAlclc/TinaJulieJDan KTBA
Saturday Night Step 9:30 pmMarieUnity/LouOPENOPENStep Study

Sunday 8:30 amAgent Raven/RachelOPENAgent Raven/RachelBig Book Study
Sunday 3:00 pmPeterPTT/TinaTTSoberAlclc/TinaParks/SusanLiving Sober- (1st Sunday Speakers-TT)
Sunday 6:30 pmTTSoberAlclc/Tinasonicdread/AdamTxEngTchr/SherriA.A. Daily Reflections- (Last Sunday Birthday Celebrations-Adam)
Sunday 9:30 pmJAnthonyTxEngTchr/Sherrisonicdread/AdamA.A. Grapevine

Training for service volunteers is available by appointment. Send an Email to to request training, or contact a Facilitator for further information. Those trained with 60 days or more of sobriety may sign up to Chair. Send an Email to to volunteer. Please include your Username, Date of Sobriety, the Name of your Trainer, and the meeting you wish to Chair. Confirmation of your committment will be sent to you in 24-48 hours. If you are signed up to Chair, please be in the room at least 20-30 minutes before the meeting begins. If not signed up on a weekly basis, please Chair when needed. Join us in giving back what we have so freely been given!


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Any A.A. Literature referenced on this Website, or quoted exactly by a sharer in our Meeting Room, is a Copyright of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The opinions and experiences shared are of the individual's, and not necessarily in agreement with the Program of A.A.found in the "Big Book" ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS.